Under UK Athletic Rules Race Permit No. Applied for
Race Instructions
- On-line entrants must collect your race numbers from the Scout HQ at the far end of Westbridge Park. This is also Race HQ and the First Aid Post.
- Please arrive in good time to park, collect your number and warm up.
- Parking is on the field at the far end of the park. Access is through a gate near to the canoe club HQ. Turn right once you have turned off the road and not left into the Westbridge Park car park, and follow the marshal’s directions.
- For your own safety, do not wear headphones during this race. If you are seen using headphones, you will be disqualified and future entries for the race will be rejected. The lanes you run on may are open to traffic and if you cannot hear this, or the directions of the marshals, you are a danger to yourself and others.
- Tea and coffee etc. will be on sale. Any money raised will go to support Scouting activities. Please support this and buy a post-race cuppa.
Have a good run!