Why Join Stone’s Friendly Running Club?
People decide to join a running club for all sorts of reasons and no matter your own reason, you’ll be welcomed with open Bat wings!
A New Hobby
Bored with your usual routine? Running is a great way to get fit and enjoy the great outdoors!
To Make Friends
With nearly 200 members, you’re bound to meet a fellow Bat who will become your buddy!
To Improve Fitness
There’s no denying it; strapping on your trainers and going for a run is a great way to get fit!
Improve Mental Health
We get it, life’s tough. Come for a run with us; we promise you will feel amazing!
To Lose Weight
Once you start burning through the calories, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to start!
Train For An Event
No matter what you’re training for, we have coaches who can help you exceed your goals!
News from the bats
Useful information, run reports and news from the Bats…