Stoke Snowflake 10K Run – 28th February 2016

On Sunday 28th February 2016 a varied group of Bats took on the first Cancer Research Snowflake Run in Hanley. Bringing together a range of our club members for what was an early start, the 10k race set off on a brisk but sunny morning. 
Several faces dropped as we left the park and circled uphill towards Lichfield Street, not least those still reliving the 'highlights' of last year's Potters 'Arf! Thankfully the pain of Potters was short lived as we turned right along Leek Road towards Staffordshire University and progressed on a flat cross country route around the sports fields and campus. 
The cross country element was made more enjoyable by Emma Dutton's challenge to high five all the dressed up polar bears on route! Heading back up into the park area, Bat groups started to form and encouragement and light hearted moments made the middle section tolerable, though David Griffiths may not have felt this way with Emma and Michelle Miles's consistent chanting each time their paths crossed!
Clare Irving and Lisa Ashton put in strong, quick performances and were giving great support for the sidelines as the Bats neared the finishing line. It was superb to see how the girls had grouped together and we're working to encourage one another even on the challenging last few hills. Special mention must go to all new racers who tackled the course with gusto as well as those seasoned veterans putting in their best efforts on such a beautiful day.
Lisa seems to be developing a new post-race tradition/habit of cracking open the bubbles once the race is complete and this was even more apt in the case of Jenny White who completed her first 10k without walking or stopping at any point, a fantastic achievement!
Overall the day was a great success for SMM with a lot of  laughs and personal achievements. Cancer Research put on a great event and the Stone Master Marathoners were proud to support such a worthy cause.
By Michelle Miles